Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Hello, my name is Danny "The Marlin" Polykov.  To answer your first question, yes, the nickname is self-proclaimed and originates from the fact that I am a big fan of the Florida Marlins.  But, regardless of the baseball team I cheer for, I joined the Peace Corps and was invited to serve my country in Macedonia, a country in Eastern Europe.  Macedonia itself was part of the former Yugoslavia and became a country on its own upon the dissolution of Yugoslavia in the early nineties.  I'm sitting in my place in Ridley, approximately two weeks for departure, ready to go.  As I continue on, I'll try to keep this blog regularly updated, if only to keep some people abreast of what I am doing.  Because, let's face it, "How's it going in Macedonia" is such an open ended question, it's difficult to answer.  "I don't know, fine".  That's how I would answer the question, let's not kid ourselves, here.  Hopefully, whatever I do over there is interesting enough to read about, because the only thing worse than leading a boring life is reading about some other shmuck's boring life.  So, I'll try my best in that vain.  I wish you all luck in your journeys.